The forth day of FRSIS was the day of my presentation. My parallel session was the first one of the second session, so it's just nice as it's not too early and not too late. Because there's a tea break before our presentation, the audience didn't get sleepy during our presentation. Cha and I were the presenters, Syahira was the one who press the powerpoint on the computer and Nizam got a new job, being the model for my electromagnetic induction and piezoelectric crystals. We were so nervous that morning but everything went fine. Then it's the plenary session. We didn't make it there. That's okay. It's 23rd March and there's earth hour that night but there's cultural night that night. I'm confused. Will the earth hour be celebrated? Yes. A dark cultural night. The guys got a LED bangle and the girls got a big cute LED bow to put on the head. So those stuffs illuminate the night. Yup. It was a really amazing event. All performance on the stage was in the dark. The part was when the korean girls danced kpop and everyone went crazy. They even did gangnam style which some of us stood up and dance. Oh, I also found someone besides emma watson with the same teeth allignment as me. Her name is Zetty. Yeah she's nice. We talked and talked and talked until the end of dinner.