This robot plays shadow play or locally known as wayang kulit. The movements are controlled by the motors. There's no loop as all the programming were pre-programmed to synchronise with the background music and narrated story. This project aims to cater the lack of shadow players in museums in today's world where younger generations are no longer interested in traditional heritage.

The increasing number of deaths of window washers every hour gives birth to this robot. Skywasher is a window washing concept robot. It consists of two parts. The upper part which controls the x axis and the y axis of the robot; and the washer. The robot will wash the entire building, floor by floor and the loop continues every day. In green energy mode, the robot scans for dust and only washes dirty areas. This ambitious project aims to replace window washers thus reducing the number of death of humans by a factor of 3.

AISHA stands for Adaptable Interactive Sociable and Helpful Automaton. It's main features are:

  • Xbox Kinect for skeletal tracking (follow a person)
  • A microphone for speech recognition
  • 8 microphone for 3D sound localisation
  • Ultrasonic sensors for obstacle avoidance
  • LED facial expression

This project aims to help elderly with problems at home.