It's raya people! Of course it's a amazing day. The best part is I'm the DJ for the event. I'm Skrillex! Haha. I mixed up some raya songs and dubstep which turned out pretty well but didn't get good response because not everyone loves dubstep. Nevermind. It's a tiring day after all. From the night before, which was like the dopest night ever in school. We had to decorate the blue house's booth. Everyone was concentrating until I brought in my mac and connected to the audio jack and BOOM! Party everyone! I played some party music and everyone started dancing on the stage, gangnam style and other stuffs. Tick tock tick tock it's 3 o'clock in the morning. The preparation was not done yet so we touched up a bit and went back to sleep. The next morning, we continued decorating in a bit but got distracted when iefa brought her camera. We took a lot of photos while the rest do the job. Haha. Then for the rest of the event, I took control of the PA system so I'm the one playing all the songs. Really busy though especially during the performance. Anyway I enjoyed it.