
Pre-sports day

Our theme for this year's sports day is superhero. The blue house is going batman this year. As the leader of the decorations, I'm really busy today eventhough we've started since last week. I had to lead everything. The batcave entrance, the batcave floor, the elevator, the batmobile, the batpod, everything batman. The only thing done is the bats, stalagtite and stalagmites. Plus, we're lack of resources - paint, PVA glue, duct tape, cloth, spray and boxes. I also had to run from place to place to check if everything's going well. The paintjob was done at the blue house's room. The manufacturing was done at the workshop. 100 metres apart. At 1:00 am, the girls need to go back leaving the batcave entrace behind. How depressed I was looking at tira, amy & iefa's work. They did it all wrong. Not the same as the blueprint at all. The arc and overall shape was much more wider. The colour was supposed to be blue but tira sprayed it all black and said told me to cover with the blue cloths. What's the point?! The structure they built was acceptable but faizie's structure was far more stable. They tried to attach the boxes to the structure and it all went wobbly and insisted me to finish it while i'm still working on the batmobile. We can't start all over because it's less than 7 hours before the event start and we're all run out of box and duct tape. No choice. We had to finish that damn entrance door. I was so upset and cried. Luckily muazzin was there cheering me up. Not just me, all the boys were upset with that damn door. I fed up with it. After the boys came back from the unfinished canopy, I instructed them to just do anything to it as long as it looks like a bat and looks nice. When the kids done painting the batcave floor and the entrance door was complete, they brought to the batcave. Only people left in the workshop was muazzin and me, finishing some final preparation.